You Can Make a Difference

Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments—moments of connection, moments of change, and moments of impact. A life is not measured by accolades or achievements; it is truly defined by the positive impact it has on others. This simple truth is at the heart of a story that demonstrates the power of recognition and the profound difference it can make.

In a New York high school, a teacher was inspired to honor each of her seniors. She had watched these students grow over the years and wanted them to know the positive impact they had made. One by one, she called them to the front of the class. As each student stood before their peers, the teacher expressed her appreciation for them, detailing how they had made a difference to her and the rest of the class. Then, she presented each student with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters that read, “Who I am makes a difference.”

But this teacher didn’t stop there. She envisioned the ripple effect that this recognition could create. She turned this heartfelt gesture into a class project, giving each student three additional ribbons. Their task was simple yet profound: go out into the community, honor someone else, and pass along the ribbons. They were to observe the impact of these small acts of recognition and report back to the class in a week.

The Power of Recognition: A Ripple Effect

One student took his ribbons and approached a junior executive at a nearby company, someone who had been guiding him with career advice. With sincere appreciation, he honored the executive, pinning a blue ribbon on his shirt. He then gave him two more ribbons and explained the project, encouraging him to find someone else to honor.

Later that day, the junior executive, still touched by the recognition, decided to honor his boss. His boss was known for his stern demeanor and high expectations, rarely showing any sign of softness. The junior executive approached him and expressed his admiration, calling him a creative genius and someone who had inspired him. The boss, caught off guard, agreed to accept the ribbon. With a smile, the junior executive placed the blue ribbon above his boss’s heart. He also handed over the last ribbon, explaining the project and asking his boss to pass on the recognition to someone else.

A Change of Heart

That night, the boss returned home with the blue ribbon still pinned on his jacket. Sitting down with his 14-year-old son, he recounted the day’s events, marveling at how his employee saw him as a creative genius. He paused, then took the last ribbon out of his pocket. “I’ve been thinking all the way home about who to give this ribbon to,” he told his son. “And you came to my mind. I want to honor you. My days are so busy, and when I come home, I’m often preoccupied. I know I sometimes take out my frustrations on you, yelling about your grades or your messy room. But tonight, I want you to know that you make a difference to me. You are one of the most important people in my life. You are a great kid, and I love you.”

His son, visibly shaken, began to sob uncontrollably. Through tears, he looked at his father and confessed, “Dad, earlier tonight, I wrote a letter to you and Mom, explaining why I was going to take my life. I felt so alone and unloved that I thought you wouldn’t even care. I planned to do it after you fell asleep. But now… I don’t think I need the letter anymore.”

The father, shocked and heartbroken, rushed to his son’s room, where he found the note, a poignant testament to his son’s silent suffering. That night changed everything. The boss returned to work a transformed man, no longer the grouch his employees feared but a leader who valued each person. He made it his mission to ensure that his team knew they mattered.

The Everlasting Impact

The junior executive, inspired by the response, continued to mentor and guide young people, including the boss’s son, who had been on the brink of tragedy. He never forgot to express his appreciation, always reminding others of the difference they made.

This simple act of recognition and appreciation created a cascade of positive changes, influencing not just a single life but the lives of many. It served as a reminder that small acts of kindness and acknowledgment can have monumental effects. A kind word, a heartfelt gesture, a simple blue ribbon—each can be the spark that lights up someone’s darkest hour.

#ProjectImpact: Be the Change

The story invites us all to participate in #ProjectImpact. It’s a call to action to recognize the people in our lives who make a difference. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about sincere acknowledgment.

Activity: Share this message. Reach out to those who have touched your life in meaningful ways. Send them a customized note, call them, or meet them in person to tell them how much they mean to you. Here’s a sample to get you started:

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments, of impacts. A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. [Name], I am one of those lives you have impacted. Who you are makes a difference.”

By spreading these moments of recognition, you can be the catalyst for change. You can make a difference.